On June 5, 2023,Mr. Zhang Kejian, director of CAEA and Chinese director of IAEA, attended the IAEA June Board of Governors in Vienna , where he spoke on the issue of discharging Fukushima contaminated water into the sea, lashing out Japan's discharge of Fukushima contaminated water. Mr. Zhang Kejian pointed out that the discharge of Japan's Fukushima nuclear polluted water into the sea was a major issue concerning the global marine environment and public health, and it was not a private matter of the Japanese side. The Japanese side ignores the legitimate and reasonable concerns of its own people and other countries in the world. It has not yet made a scientific and credible explanation of the concerns of all parties, nor has it fully consulted with stakeholders, including neighboring countries, and is insisting on accelerating the plan to discharge nuclear-contaminated water into the sea, which is extremely irresponsible. Mr. Zhang Kejian expressed the hope that IAEA would continue to uphold an objective and impartial stance, fully listened to the opinions of stakeholders, and strictly implemented relevant international safety standards and good practices. The final report of the Technical Working Group shall not endorse Japan's plan to drain the sea, and resolutely prevent Japan's irresponsible actions from causing harm to the global marine environment and public health. (Source: CAEA)