On May 24, at the 2023 Nuclear Technology Application International Industry Conference, the China Nuclear Energy Association released the first "China Nuclear Technology Application Industry Development Report (2023"). According to the report, it is expected that in 2025, the output value of China's nuclear technology application will reach a trillion market size. The "Report" shows that by the end of 2022, there were more than 90,000 legal entities engaged in radioisotope and radiation devices business in China. It is conservatively estimated that the output value of China's nuclear technology application increased from 300 billion yuan (about 4.0‰ of GDP) in 2015 to nearly 700 billion yuan (about 5.7‰ of GDP) by the end of 2022, with an average annual growth rate of more than 15%. Among them, the output value of industrial applications accounts for more than 50%, and the output value of medical nuclear technology accounts for about 20%, and nuclear technology applications in the two field has developed relatively mature.

(Source: Shanghai Securities News)