On November 1, 2022, the nuclear energy heating demonstration project of Liaoning Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Plant was officially put into operation, starting to supply steam.. This project is the first nuclear energy heating project in Northeast China, covering Hongyanhe Town, Wafangdian, Dalian City, benefiting nearly 20,000 local residents. The project is located in Hongyanhe Town, Wafangdian, Dalian City, with a planned heating area of 242,400 square meters and a maximum heating load of 12.77MW.  The steams are extracted from the steam turbine of Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Plant as a heat source so that the original 12 coal-fired boilers are replaced to realize clean heating in Hongyanhe Town. It is estimated that after the project is put into operation, it will reduce the consumption of standard coal by 5,726 tons per year, reduce carbon dioxide by 14,100 tons, soot by more than 209 tons, sulfur dioxide by more than 60 tons, nitrogen oxides by more than 85 tons, and ash slag by 2,621 tons.

(Source: China General Nuclear Power Group)