The 2021NPCAM (Nuclear Energy Commission Consultation Meeting) organized by EPRI (U.S. Electric Power Research Institute) was recently held in Savannah, the capital of Chatham, Georgia, USA. IAEA, INPO, NEI, DOE and other international organizations and institutions, EDF, Westinghouse and other international power companies, American Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Canadian Nuclear Energy National Laboratory and other research institutions, and the utility representatives from China, the United States, France, Japan, South Korea attended the meeting. The conference presented a total of 12 TTA (Technical Achievement Transformation Award) awards to the organizations around the world, two of which are Haiyang Nuclear Power Technology Achievement Living PM project and SG management project . At the same time, the advertised video for Haiyang Nuclear Energy Comprehensive Utilization was the only one played at the opening of the forum entitled “Nuclear Energy, Beyond Electricity”. Haiyang Nuclear Power Co. Ltd. was invited to give a keynote speech at the awarding conference (video). The professional engineers from Haiyang nuclear power Co. Ltd. made an on line introductory presentation and interaction on nuclear energy heating supply, and showed the innovative achievements of Haiyang nuclear energy comprehensive utilization to the international peers.
News source: State Power Investment Corporation