The 3-day Second World Nuclear Exhibition in France kicked off in Bourget International Exhibition Center in northern Paris on June 28. China Nuclear Energy Association led 15 nuclear power enterprises, such as China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN), State Power Investment Corporation (SPIC) and China Huaneng Group to participate in the exhibition.

The number of participating enterprises of China increased from 9 two years ago to 15, forming the second largest national exhibition group. The French economic minister, Macron, who had attended the opening ceremony, made a special trip to China exhibition area, and communicated with representatives of China National Nuclear Corporation and China General Nuclear Power Group on the cooperation in the field of nuclear power.

In China exhibition area, “Hualong One”, which is with completely independent intellectual property rights, applies the third-generation nuclear power technology, and was researched and developed jointly by China National Nuclear Corporation and China General Nuclear Power Group, was high-profile. In the meantime, large-scale advanced pressurized water reactor CAP1400 and HTGR with the fourth generation of nuclear power technology characteristics were also representative important exhibition projects. In addition, some enterprises also brought products with technical advantages in small reactor, NPP operation and maintenance, treatment of nuclear fuel, ancillary components of nuclear power, for example, China General Nuclear Power Group’s ACPR series small reactor and digital instrument control platform of nuclear safety grade called “Harmonious System”.

Long Maoxiong, deputy secretary general of China Nuclear Energy Association, said, “In the past 30 years of nuclear power development, China has accumulated its own skills and capabilities. Today, while meeting domestic demands, more and more Chinese nuclear power design and construction units, machinery manufacturing enterprises and suppliers possess the strength of oversea exploration to serve global nuclear energy development. He said: “China’s nuclear power technology and products have excellent quality, but because lack of experiences on oversea exploration, Chinese state-owned and private enterprises need to depend on large-scale international exhibition platforms to compete and exchange with foreign well-known enterprises. While accumulating experience and gaining confidence, they can lay a good foundation for China’s nuclear power technology and products to chosen by the world in the future.

World Nuclear Exhibition in France, sponsored by AIFEN, is held every two years, only open to professionals and the media, and designed to create a high-level international exchange platform for the field of global civil nuclear energy.

(Source: Xinhua News Agency)