On June 6, China Nuclear E&C Group was successfully listed on the stock market at Shanghai Stock Exchange. It is the first A-share market listed enterprise of nuclear construction. The stock is abbreviated as “CNEC”, with the stock code of 601611 and the issue price of 3.47 yuan per share. After the opening, CNEC achieved quick limit up with 5.00 yuan and the increase rate of 44.09% without suspense.

The public data shows that CNEC’s public issue this time is 525 million shares. After the issue, the publicly issued share accounts for 20% of the total share capital of the company, and the raised funds reach to about 1.822 billion yuan, which will be mainly used for the construction of nuclear power projects, including project preparing, equipment purchase, engineering & technology research, informatization, etc., as well as supplement to the company’s liquidity.

(Source: China Nuclear E&C Group)