In January-March, 2016, two nuclear power units– Yangjiang NPP unit 3 and Fangchenggang unit 1– were put into commercial operation. So far, there are a total of 30 nuclear power units put into commercial operation in China, with a total installed capacity of 28,599.37MWe.

From January to March, the cumulative generating capacity in China reached 1,355.14 TW-hour, and the nuclear generating capacity totaled 47.062 TW-hour, accounting for 3.47% of the generating capacity in China. Compared with coal-fired power generation, nuclear power is equivalent to the reduction of 14.8245 million tons for standard coal consumption, reduction of 38.8403 million tons for carbon dioxide emissions, reduction of 126 thousand tons for sulfur dioxide emissions, and reduction of 109.7 thousand tons for emissions of nitrogen oxides.

From January to March, the 30 nuclear power units in commercial operation maintained safe and stable operation. The total generating capacity of nuclear power increased by 34.22% over the same period in 2015; the cumulative net power reached 43.863 TW-hour, up by 33.75% over the same period in 2015.

From January to March, the operating NPPs kept a tight control over the operating risk of units, and maintained safe and stable condition. There is no operation event at level one and above according to the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES). All operating NPPs were free from relatively severe environmental event, radioactive contamination event, fire and explosion accident, or occupational hazards accident.

In accordance with national environmental protection laws and regulations as well as environment radiation monitoring standards, in the light of emission limits requested by the administration authority, all operating NPPs strictly controlled the radioactive effluents  and effectively monitored the NPPs’ surroundings.

The results of environment monitoring from January to March showed that NPPs’ amount of radioactive effluents were far below the national standard limit. Monitoring data showed that the dose rate absorbed by ambient air was within the fluctuation range of local background radiation level. (Source: CNEA)