Formulated by the China Building Materials Academy, GB/T31545-2015 Portland Cement for Nuclear Power Engineering, the world's first cement standard for nuclear power project construction, was officially implemented on February 1. The promulgation and implementation of this standard is expected to play an important role in regulating the production and quality control of portland cement for nuclear power project (hereafter shortened as “nuclear power cement”), promoting the transformation and upgrade of the cement industry, enhancing cement and concrete quality in nuclear power engineering in China and guaranteeing the long-term safe operation of NPPs.

  A key basic raw material in nuclear power engineering, nuclear power cement is mainly used in the nuclear island, the containment and other key parts, which require comprehensive performance in cement, including high early strength, low heat of hydration, and little drying shrinkage and so on. In other words, nuclear power cement integrates the technical requirements of various types of cement, including high-early-strength cement, moderate heat cement and road cement. Therefore, its production is difficult. The cement for NPPs in Qinshan and Daya Bay has been imported. Aside from inconvenient transportation and high costs, import of cement also restricted the development of China's cement technology. In developing nuclear power cement, a synergistic match between strength and hydration heat was achieved by adopting the technologies for optimizing mineral composition and moderate admixture. Through regulation of critical process parameters for the clinker firing system, stable production of nuclear power cement with a 5000t/d dry kiln was achieved for the first time. On the basis of summarizing and drawing on the research findings of "12th Five-Year Plan" projects, China Building Materials Academy developed Portland Cement for Nuclear Power Engineering, through joining hands with domestic companies engaged in nuclear power engineering design, construction and cement production. Offering guidance to production of nuclear power cement, the standard has met the urgent needs of nuclear energy resource development and nuclear power engineering, and achieved good economic and social benefits.

  Currently nuclear power cement has been successfully applied to a number of nuclear power projects, including the Ling Ao NPP, Daya Bay NPP, Yangjiang NPP, Tianwan NPP, Hongyanhe NPP and so on, enhancing the performance of concrete and reducing adiabatic temperature rise of concrete. The good results have won unanimous praise in the circle of nuclear power engineering.