For deeply understanding the related instances of Japan Fukushima nuclear accident, exchanging and discussing related issues about Nucleus Safety and Technology, China –Japan Seminar on Nucleus Power Safety and Technology was held on June, 27-28 in Beijing Western Garden Hotel. It is co-organized by China Nuclear Energy Association and Japan Technician Union, Japan Atomic Industry Forum.

  Before starting of the seminarMr.Zhang Huazhu, Chairman of China Nuclear Energy Association met with the main delegates of the Japan delegation. Both sides exchanged ideas towards background of holding this seminarinstances of preparing and future cooperation.  

Vice Chairman of the China Nuclear Energy Association, Mr. Zhao Chengkun has taken charge of the opening ceremony. Mr.Zhang Huazhu made the opening speech.  Mr. ?本聪明, senior advisor of the Japan Tokyo Electric Company made a speech.  Mr. 石?昶雄, Secretary General of the Japan Atomic Force Industry Association, and Mr. 植田伸幸, Director of Safety Committee of the Japan Atomic Power Societysited at the Chairman platform. Vice Chairman and Secretary General of China Nucleus Energy Association, Mr. Ma Honglin, Vice Chairman of the Association Mr. Li YongJiang, Vice Secretary General Mr.Xu Yuming, Feng Yi, Long Maoxiong etc. attended at the opening ceremony. The invited guests from China National Nuclear Safety Administration, National Earthquake Administration etc. presented at the seminar.


In the morning  June 28th During the seminar period,Chairman of China Nuclear Energy Association Mr.Zhang Huazhu and Vice Chairman Mr.Zhao Chengkun, met with Journalists from Japan Read Sell News(China Chief Bureau)andElectric News(Japan Electric Association), and answered the questions about the mostly lesson from the Fukushima nuclear accident  with regard to the impacts to China etc. In the afternoon of June 28th , after the concluding of the seminar, the exchanging and discussing between Japanese experts and the attended representatives as well as China Media were also conducted.  Japanese experts answered the questions from Chinese side with regard to the Fukuchima nuclear accident.