To showcase to the world of what China has achieved in its nuclear development, to promote the cooperation and exchange between Chinese and international nuclear community, to help support the global growth of nuclear vendors in the country, China Nuclear Energy Association(CNEA) will host The 9th China International Exhibition on Nuclear Power Industry 2011 in Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center over the period of April 6-8, 2011. Total floor place is expected to be 15000 sq.m.

The 9th China International Exhibition on Nuclear Power Industry 2011 is well supported by the most concerned governmental authorities. Under the premium guidance from National Energy Administration, China Atomic Energy Authority, National Nuclear Safety Administration and People's Government of Guangdong Province, the event is supported by Development and Reform Commission of Guangdong Province and the respective organizations represented by Vice-Chairman members of China Nuclear Energy Association, which are namely China National Nuclear Corporation, China Nuclear Engineering Group Corporation, China Guangdong Nuclear Power Holding Co., Ltd., China Power Investment Corporation, State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation, China HuaNeng Group, China Datang Corporation, China Huadian Corporation, Harbin Power Equipment Co., Ltd., DongFang Electric Corporation, Shanghai Electric (Group) Corporation and so forth. Other overseas supporters include The World Nuclear Association (WNA), The French Nuclear Industry Association (GIIN), Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF) and Korea Atomic Industrial Forum (KAIF).

So far the exhibition is well on track. China’s leading nuclear and power conglomerates like China National Nuclear Corporation, China Guangdong Nuclear Power Holding Co., Ltd., China Power Investment Corporation, China HuaNeng Group, China Datang Corporation, China Huadian Corporation have all shown great preference to exhibit again and each with a much bigger booth. France, Russia and Spain will have their respective national pavilions while Finland will feature group participation. Other participants will be from Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, UK, USA and so forth. The exhibitor recruitment process at home and abroad is immensely smooth.

More value-added services will be provided to exhibitors. Thanks to the great support from China Guangdong Nuclear Power Holding Co., Ltd. and DongFang Electric Corporation, there may likely be site visits to the Daya Bay NPP, the manufacturing base of DongFang (Guangzhou) Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. and the Taishan NPP. Furthermore, exhibitors would tentatively be provided with opportunities to apply for speaking session in various press conferences and technical seminars during the exhibition period. What’s more, 2011 Annual Conference of  CNEA would be held in Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center as close to the show dates as possible.

Since its first inception, the event has been endorsed by the State’s nuclear administrations as a professional exhibition to present the industry’s best accomplishments and strengthens. It has also become the best platform for foreign companies to showcase their technological sublimes, to make contact and network and to cooperate with their Chinese counterparts. To conclude, the exhibition has helped spearhead nuclear development at home and abroad.