The CNEA’s chairman Zhang Huazhu met with Areva China president Marc de ANDOLENKO and nuclear counselor of the French embassy DU CLOS at CNEA, June 25, 2009.
The French side introduced the detailed newest advance of nuclear technology R&D in CEA and Areva’s business profile in North America, carefully answered the questions requested by Chinese side.
Praising the R&D, application and structure of nuclear energy technology in France, Chairman Zhang expected to consolidate bilateral cooperation and exchange in these regards, in order to enhance the R&D capability and promote the nuclear power development in China. In addition, Chairman Zhang also learnt about the construction progress of EPR reactors in Finland and France respectively, expressed the wish that the coming EPR unit in Taishan China would proceed smoothly as scheduled. During the meeting, both sides reached a consensus that it would help boost mutual understanding and expand the common views through this kind of communication. When concluding the meeting, Chairman Zhang mentioned that CNEA would actively promote the nongovernmental exchanges and cooperation in the fields of nuclear energy between both countries.